Friday, April 1, 2022

How Can We Protect Our Environment?

 In this unit, we have been learning about Spain. We have learned about Spain´s political and geographical features. These geographical features include mountain ranges, archipelagos, deserts, mountain ranges, and rivers. These different geographical features all face unique environmental challenges. They each
can suffer from noise pollution, water pollution, and litter. 

Madrid faces its own environmental problems. As an urban area, it is vulnerable to dangerously high temperatures, air pollution, and litter. Luckily, Madrid has planned solutions to some environmental problems. In 2021, the government announced a plan to build an "urban forest" surrounding the city. These trees will benefit the environment in various ways, including:

  1. The wall will improve air quality and decrease air pollution. This is because trees absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants.
  2.  The trees will absorb heat. This will help Madrid stay cooler in the summer, and prevent health problems from excess heat.
  3. The trees will create more habitat for animals. 

However, we all can take action to protect Madrid´s envionment. Some actions we can all do include:
  1. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store to decrease plastic pollution.
  2. Organize a trash pick up with your friends at the park to protect the animals from eating plastic and other litter.
  3. Turn off the heat when it is not necessary, and wear a sweater instead. This decreases air pollution.
  4. Ask your parents to walk, or take public transportation instead of driving.
  5. Try to buy clothes and other items used or second-hand. Making products uses resources and creates air pollution.

Can you think of other ways to protect Madrid´s environment? What do you do at home to be environmentally friendly?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Animals Jeopardy Review Game

To play, follow these steps:

  1. Copy and paste the link in your browser.
  2. Where it says "three teams," click the arrow, and choose "no teams."
  3. Click start.
  4. Choose a number from one of the five categories. 
  5. Answer the question.
  6. Press the space bar to see if you are correct!

Friday, March 4, 2022

Interesting Mammals in Spain

Interesting Mammals in Spain 

This week in natural science, we learned about mammals. We know that mammals:

  • are vertebrates
  • usually are viviparous, which means they give birth to live babies
  • can be carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores
  • drink their mother´s milk when they are young
  • breathe with their lungs
  • have fur or hair to keep warm
  • usually have four legs and move on land, but some have flippers to move in water
Because of the variety of characteristics that they can have, mammals are often very different from each other. For example, bats, dolphins, platypi, and lions are all mammals! 

There are many interesting mammals around the world. These are some examples of mammals you can find around Spain.

  1. Iberian Lynx
The Iberian (or Spanish) lynx is found only in the Iberian penninsula! They are carnivories, and eat mostly rabbits. They have fur to stay warm. Iberian lynx are mainly found in Andalucia and along the Spanish border with Portugal. Unfortunately, the Iberian Lynx is one of the most endangered wild cats in the world because of illegal hunting.

2. Eurasian Brown Bear

The Eurasian Brown Bear is common all over Europe, and can also be found in Spain. They have thick brown fur and are omnivores. In Spain, the Eurasian Brown Bear can be found in the regions of Cantabria and Asturias.

3. Iberian Ibex

The Iberian Ibex, or Spanish wild goat, is a species of goat native to the Iberian Penninsula. Iberian wild goats are herbivorous, mainly eating grasses and other plants. They can be found in all mountainous regions in Spain, including Andalucia and Catalonia. They can even be found in the mountains near Madrid!

These three examples demonstrate the diversity of mammals that can be found in Spain, and around the world. They each are different in appearance, diet, and behavior. 

Have you seen any of these mammals before? Which would you like to see? Can you think of any other interesting mammals that live in Spain?

Friday, February 18, 2022

Natural Borders in Spain

 In this unit, we are learning about natural borders. A natural border is a border between countries or continents that is formed by natural formations such as mountains, rivers, or seas.

Spain has a variety of natural borders. Below are a few examples of natural borders in Spain. Have you been to any of these mountains, rivers, or seas?

  1. Straight of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea
The straight of Gibraltar in the Mediterranean Sea forms a natural border between Spain and Morocco. It also forms a border between the Europe and Africa.

2. The Pyrenees Mountains

The Pyrenees is a mountain range that forms
a natural border between Spain and France. 

3. Guadiana River

The Guadiana River forms part of the border between Spain and Portugal. The Guadiana is the fourth-largest river in the Iberian Penninsula. It separates Extremadura and Andalusia from Portugal.

Friday, February 4, 2022


  1.  What bodies of water border Europe to the North, West, and South?
  2. What body of water separates the UK from France and mainland Europe?
  3. What five countries make up Scandinavia? What are their capital cities?
  4. What body of water forms a natural border between Europe and Asia?
  5. What does the Straight of Gibraltar connect?

How Can We Protect Our Environment?

 In this unit, we have been learning about Spain. We have learned about Spain´s political and geographical features. These geographical feat...